Once again many thanks for the wonderful hampers that Chas Everitts and the Sponsor gave to us at Musgrave Park,for your Cheese and Wine evening. The guest residents from Musgrave Park were all very greatfull and surprised for the lovely gift. They appreciated it very much and came in handy to them.
Jan and Mary Dewet F Block : It was lovely and much appreciated thank Chas Everitt.
Thanks for making our evening a wonderful success and everything of the best for 2015.
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BetterBond: South Africa’s No.1 Bond Originator, handling the entire home loan application process on your behalf. Spur: Bringing people together over great food to create outstanding memories.eNeighbourhoods: Connecting communities through blogs and websites.
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Inner Wheel: Promoting true friendship, encouraging the ideals of personal service and foster international understanding.