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A Big Thank You to All Our Sponsors

The community initiative ‘Neighbour2Neighbour‘ organised by Chas Everitt Cape Town South would not have been possible if it was not for the generous support of local sponsors and gifts provided by residents, mostly in the Claremont, Diep River and Plumstead areas. The team behind N2N are extremely grateful for everyone’s donations which has helped make this community initiative possible!

The following sponsors have contributed in cash or kind to a value of R1000 or more:

actosACTOS: A new breed of footwear that is innovative, lightweight and multifunctional.stbbSTBB: Your Preferred Professionals in Law : STBB knows how to solve any legal matter, quickly and affordably.

betterbondBetterBond: South Africa’s No.1 Bond Originator, handling the entire home loan application process on your behalf. SpurSpur: Bringing people together over great food to create outstanding memories.eneighbourhoods_peeNeighbourhoods: Connecting communities through blogs and websites.
ChicalocaChica-Loca: Chica-Loca belongs in the wardrobe of the young-at-heart city dweller, who is both elegant and determined.
inner wheelInner Wheel: Promoting true friendship, encouraging the ideals of personal service and foster international understanding.

The ‘Pamper Hampers’ are ready and will be handed over on the following dates:

PamperHamperSunnyside Lodge
Date: 23 December 2014
Time: 17:30
Venue: Sunnyside Lodge, 11 Morpeth Road, Plumstead

Musgrave Park (Communicare)
Date: 15 December 2014
Time: 12:30
Venue: Musgrave Park, Old Kendal Close, Diep River, Cape Town, 7800

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